Gifts Of Stock

Gifts of Stock

Securities are among the most popular assets used in making charitable donations today, especially since selling these assets often incurs capital gains taxes. Consider making a cost-effective gift to the Southern Word by donating your appreciated securities.


  • supporting youth, teachers, schools, and community organizations in Tennessee
  • a charitable tax deduction equal to the full fair market value of the securities at the time of your gift
  • a relief from the capital gains tax on the increase in value
  • reduction of the cost of making a gift, when a long- or mid-term appreciated stock gift is made
  • donating securities is easy

Electronic transfer is the easiest and most expedient method when a donor maintains holdings in a brokered account. It is also our preferred method of transfer.

There are TWO steps.
First, contact Southern Word to ensure efficient processing and acknowledgement of your gift. If you don’t contact us, we will not know who donated the stock when it is received. Please let us know how you want your gift to be used, the identity of the stock you are transferring, and the number of shares. Please do not rely on your broker or wire transfer service to provide us with this information. Contact Benjamin Smith at 615-686-5456 or

Secondly, your broker will need the following information in order to transfer assets to the Southern Word:

Account Name:Southern Word, Inc.
DTC ID Number:0062
Federal ID #:26-3547391

If you have any questions, you can contact our account representative, Name, at Vanguard at 1-800-349-5814.

If your securities are held in certificate form, please contact us for specific instructions on transferring your stock to Southern Word (Benjamin Smith at 615-686-5456 or

For all stock transfers, please consult your attorney or tax advisor. They are in the best position to assess your personal situation and provide guidance. Southern Word is a 501(c)3 tax exempt public charities.

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