On Friday, December 16, Southern Word will host State of the Word, the region’s leading youth poetry showcase. This event brings together Tennessee’s top college and high school poets, emcees, rappers, and spoken word artists for a night of powerful performances. Teen writers are invited to participate in the State of the Word workshops and activities leading up to the show. Not all youth who participate in activities will perform at the show. Southern Word will confirm with youth directly if there is a performance slot for them.
12:00p – 1:00p Check In and Lunch at The Curb Center, 1801 Edgehill Ave.
1:00p – 4:30p Workshops and Rehearsals
4:30p – 5:00p Participants walk to the Blair School of Music
5:00p Pizza Dinner (provided by Southern Word)
7:00p The State of the Word, Ingram Hall at Blair School of Music
Please also note that Southern Word creates platforms for youth to speak about the real hopes and challenges in their lives. Discretion is advised as parents may deem some content inappropriate for young children.
Participating youth will be required fill out a registration form signed by a parent or guardian. Click here for the form. Please print, sign, photograph, and upload below or e-mail to jacqui@southernword.org.
Register below to participate in the day’s workshops.